I am so glad to be home!
My trip back home was tiring. Between the four flights, spending the night hiding in the restaurant, multiple customs and immigration checks, and the mother who yelled at her children the whole way to Philadelphia, I could not wait to get home.
In Philadelphia, I sat next to an older woman while waiting for the flight. We started talking and I knew immediately that she was from the South. She talked to me like she'd known me for years, sharing her life story and everything else I never knew I needed to know. I love Southerners.
I couldn't wait to off of the plane in Greensboro, knowing that I'd see one of my favorite people and be back at home so soon. Little did I know, John wasn't the only one waiting at the airport. I got a great surprise as we descended the escalators. My parents and grandparents were waiting in baggage claim! I'm a lucky girl.
At home, I gave out gifts and souvenirs. I really hope Will doesn't hurt himself with the knife I got him in Flam. And I hope Dad decides to share the raspberry juice I brought him from Sogndal.
I am so grateful to be home. It's somewhat unbelievable how life can change in a month but it is remarkably comforting to know that some things stay the same. The weather is warmer, the garden is denser, and my inbox is full with unread messages of summer commitments and plans that lie ahead. Daniel is still questioning and philosophizing, Will's hair is still growing into an afro, my horses still race to me from across the pond, and my parents are just as endearing as ever.
It is so good to be back home. I am loving the warm weather and the fact that I went out to the garden to get my breakfast, lunch, and supper. I love home, but I miss the times I had on the Europe trip. I miss exploring cities and countrysides with my parents, spending time with Jennifer and Nick and doing crafts at 7am with my sweet little cousin, laughing and celebrating with Anne and her friends, and knowing each morning that every day would be an adventure. The trip was more than I could have ever imagined.
If I had to pick one lesson to take away from the experience, it is that time goes by very quickly, therefore, it's important to make each day last. Life is about living with a purpose and making every moment matter. Because of this trip, I am challenging myself to wake up in the morning with a purpose, a goal, and a vision. I may not be traveling the globe all of the time, but I have the capability to create adventures wherever I find myself. Everyone has this choice and this capability.
Thank you for reading and thank you for humoring my late night ramblings, random thoughts, and long-winded narratives.
I appreciate it and I appreciate you!

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