Just throwing that out there.
The past several days, I have been able to hang out with Anne and her friends at school, at the movies (if you go to see Pirates of the Caribbean skip the 3D), and at a football game.
Yesterday, I went to school with Anne. I went to her Norwegian class and her English class. Everyone speaks fluent English in Norway. I am so impressed! Kids start learning English in the first or second grade and by the time they are thirteen, they can pick a second foreign language. Students at Anne's school can choose to learn German, Spanish or French in addition to English.
For our lunch break, I brought Moravian sugar cookies to share.... in the shape of Easter characters of course. Thank you Southern Season!
After school, we went to the community center to hear Anne's friends give a presentation about student council to the mayor of Sogndal and a representative from a South African aid foundation.
After that, we went out to eat with Andrea and Fredrik, Anne's classmates. We went to China House... I know, it's crazy that of all places, Sogndal, Norway has a Chinese restaurant. Crazy. But the food was really good and the company was great too!
An interesting note about Norway:
Typically, Norwegians eat four meals a day: Breakfast before work/school, snack around 12pm, "dinner" around 3pm, and a snack before bed if you're hungry. It varies from day to day, but this is typically how it works.
Ok, moving right along!
Last night I went to my first (adult!) football match at Sogndal's stadium. Sogndal is the only town represented in the highest level of football in Norway. Our team was playing a team from Oslo. We had seats but then it started to rain so we moved underneath the shelter. Sogndal scored two goals and won the game! Yaaay!
So now I'm at school with Anne, learning all kinds of epic Norwegian things and meeting lots of epic Norwegian people. :-)
Later I'm going to work at a cafe with Anne and then we're going to go grocery shopping so we can make veggie pizza and a good ol' American favorite, rice crispy treats.
I hope everyone is doing well at home! Leave me a comment and let me know what you're up to!
Hey girl. I can feel the cold through your photos! Do you want me to Skype you some long underwear?
ReplyDeleteFYI, the Osborne family name was originally Ozbun and is from Norway. Maybe you will run into some cousins!
Rory and Marty say "hay" (get it?). I turned them out around the little pond yesterday.
Love, Dad.